Sunday, August 26, 2007

Character Courage in TKAM

Courage is a prominent theme in To Kill a Mockingbird. Harper lee utilises each of her characters to explore the different types of courage that exist within all of us. There are many more, but the four most important forms of courage in the book, are the courage to...
1. To pursue a goal, regardless of whether the outcome of that goal will be inevitable
2. To defend one's own beliefs, even when the rest of society is against them
3. To have the self-discipline and willpower to over come one's flaws
4. To place ones’ self in harm's way to help another

Each of these qualities, are demonstrated by different characters throughout the book, and they all have different parts to play in the growth of the Finches. The first form of courage, being 'the courage to continue pursuing your goals when all seems hopeless,' is the highest form of courage in the book, demonstrated by the elderly Mrs Dubose. Mrs Dubose was the tenacious woman who refused to die bound to a morphine addiction. Her death demonstrated to the Finch children, what people could accomplish even when all odds were stacked against them. Mrs Dubose was one character who displayed an immense amount of courage, and she is one of the most inspirational characters throughout the book.

The second form of courage is the 'courage to defend one's ideals, even if the people around them are opposed to them.' No character in the book demonstrates this principle more than Atticus Finch. Atticus is a man who is not afraid to abide by what his conscience tells him to do, even against great opposition. His belief in justice is what enables him to defend Tom Robinson in court, to take a spit in the face from Bob Ewell and to calmly wave off Mrs Dubose's insults whenever he passes her house. Few men are capable of even possessing the courage that Atticus Finch, and he is one of Harper Lee's strongest characters.

The third form of courage is what enables people to overcome their flaws. It is a type of courage that also requires great self-discipline and desire to change one's self for the better. Harper Lee elected Scout Finch to be the character that represented this form of courage. Scout Finch is the fiery daughter of Atticus Finch. She has a strong sense of justice, but has an extremely short temper. This frequently gets her into fights, but as the story progresses, the reader sees a change in Scout. Scout, determined not to disobey her father, eventually chooses to walk away from the taunts of her ignorant peers without fighting. It's hard for her, but she eventually learns to control her impulsive behaviour. Scout's growth throughout the book shows us how each and every person has the potential to better them-selves if they have the courage and determination to.

The fourth and final form of courage in the book is physical courage. It is courage that is displayed by many characters throughout the book. However, the greatest example of physical courage is Boo Radley’s battle with Bob Ewell. Boo, a man who has lived as a recluse for all his life has the determination to fight and defeat a man who might try to murder two children for vengeance alone. His actions are nothing short of heroic and it goes to show that courage can come from the most unexpected places.

TKAM is a book that goes to extraordinary lengths to convey the importance and worth of courage. Through her characters, Harper Lee has shown how the people who possess real courage are able to positively influence the lives of others.

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